

Authorize your auto repairs online:

    1. Please fill out and sign the Repair Auto Form.
    2. Please sign the Direction to Pay and Body Shop Folder Forms, and Expro will fill out any other information as needed.
    3. Email a copy of your Driver’s License and Insurance Card to [email protected].

Expro Repair Auto Form

Expro Direction to Pay Form

Expro Body Shop Folder Form

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Call: (281) 598-9776

940 S Texas 6, Houston, TX 77079

Monday-Friday 8:00AM - 6:00PM

Saturday 8:00AM - 1:00PM

[email protected]

Expro Auto

940 S. Texas Hwy. 6

Houston, TX 77079

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Schedule Your Appointment Today

(281) 598-9776

940 S Texas 6, Houston, TX 77079

Monday-Friday 8:00AM - 6:00PM

Saturday 8:00AM - 1:00PM

[email protected]

Visit us on Social Media:

Expro Auto

940 S. Texas Hwy. 6

Houston, TX 77079